From Dust to Dust:

Building Green Coffins and Containers

May 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2009

Pre-Registration Form

Please copy and complete a pre-registration for each person attending

___ Yes! I plan to come prepared to be informed, empowered and inspired, and hope to share, encourage and inspire others as well.

Name: __________________________________________________


Phone: __________________________________________________


Email: ___________________________________________________


Address: _________________________________________________


City: _________________________ ST: _____ Zip: ______________


My interest in attending this workshop is:






Indicate Your Food Choices:

______ Vegan ______ Lacto/ovo _____ Poultry/Fish


My allergies or concerns related to food are:



The entire weekend, including meals, will cost $125.00

Make Checks Payable to: Hedgecroft

P.O. Box 14413

Madison WI 53708-0413

Please pay in full with this pre-registration form.


Every attempt has been made to keep this workshop affordable.

Registration fees are to cover materials, printing, food, materials and equipment costs. The presenters have generously donated their time and expertise.